The Spiritual Ego

Tereska Noga
2 min readApr 4, 2022

The great irony of life, there is nothing we can say, write, read or do, that we all don’t already know. But we all stray off the path sometimes and need to be reminded, this is a reminder for you as much as it is for me.

Jesus, Buddha, Ghandi, all turned to unconditional love as their guiding force because they understood that to be in the space of unconditional love is to be in union with the creator. We all have this sacred space within us, each of us connected to each other and the creator by this divine force that we all have access to. We are all God in drag, disguised to help each other see the parts of ourselves that we would otherwise be ignorant to. For if we are all one then are we not just reflections of each other, acting as reminders and lessons on where in our mind we are closing ourselves off to life and our connection to divinity?

We hold onto our experiences, beliefs, traumas, pain, patterns, habits for dear life because it makes life safe for us. We fall into the trap of thinking we understand life, people, the world, even ourselves, because of these things and believe we have found a bulletproof explanation of life. Life is a paradox, it is constant motion, always changing. While we are busy fighting for our “truths” life passes us by because we have closed ourselves of to the great mysteries and complexities of it. We have lost our sense of curiosity and inquiry. Just as the same flower doesn’t bloom twice, to have the same experience or to be met with the same situation or person does not exist.

We have replaced wisdom with knowledge, believing that it is these things we hold great attachment to make us who we are. It is only through the death of letting these things go can we tap into who we really are, divinity, unconditional love, oneness. Even then, we cannot be attached to this death. It is just a tool, means to an end to get closer to our divinity. None of the great teachers we turn to built an identity around their ego death, their holiness, their wisdom, or open heart…that’s what makes them so holy.

To assign meaning to anything we do or are or that happens to us is to fall into self importance, pride, ego. Yet, the paradoxical game of life is pretending anything we do has meaning and do it to the best of our ability anyway. If you want to have fun and explore the joys and wonders of life then it is here for you, if you want to sit and sulk in self importance and attachment, life will be waiting for you whenever you’re ready.



Tereska Noga

Cosmically attuned interpreter of the psyche.